Non-denominational Ordained Minister
Jewish Breaking of Glass
It may not be well accepted by traditional Jewish to glass-breaking at a non-Jewish or interfaith wedding. It is at the discretion of the families and, of course, by the final say and choice of the bride and groom.
The Breaking the Glass Ceremony is represents luck for the marriage. The act of breaking glass commemorates the destruction of the Temples in Jerusalem and as a reminder that life includes sorrow as well as joy. Traditions vary as to when this ceremony takes place in the wedding. Applause is appropriate, in most ceremonies with the breaking of the glass, and blessings shouted, “Mazel Tov!” (Expression of congratulations or wishing someone good luck.)
A: The Glass Breaking Ceremony generally occurs just before the pronouncement and kiss, but not before.
B: The groom kisses the bride and then breaks the glass with his right foot. Some couples choose to break the glass together.
C: While wedding ceremonies vary, common features of a Jewish wedding include a Ketubah (marriage contract) which is signed by two witnesses, a wedding canopy (Chuppah or Huppah), a ring owned by the groom that is given to the bride under the canopy, and the breaking of a glass. This is generally completed before pronouncement.
Traditional Jewish Ceremonies often do not kiss in public. The Groom will stomp the glass wrapped in a Jewish family cloth, cloth napkin or in a specially made pouch. The wrapping can be meaningful to the couple and to avoid dangerous glass shards. This is also called a Groom's Glass Bag or Jewish Glass Breaking Pouch for weddings.
Italian Breaking of Glass
At Italian traditional weddings, the ritual is usually done at the conclusion of the reception rather than within the ceremony, but can certainly be used to conclude the ceremony, if the couple wishes to do so.
The glass breaking most times takes place at the end of the reception. The couple both stomp on the glass or a vase together and attempt to grind it into as many pieces as they can.
The numbers of glass shards represent the number of years the couple will enjoy as a happily marriage the couple. Due to the meaning of the glass breaking the couple might spend a little time crushing the glass as thoroughly as possible.
When done properly and safety, it is a really sweet tradition and the pieces can be displayed for a lifetime on your mantle in a jar or a mosaic piece of art may be created, framed and hung in their home for reminders of happy memories.
Minister holds covered glass while reading the following:
Minister: For all of you joining us here today, the breaking of glass serves as a reminder of several very important aspects of a marriage. The bride and groom, and everyone, should consider these marriage vows as an irrevocable act, just as permanent and final as the unchangeable breaking of this glass.
The shattered glass also reminds us how fragile life, a heart and love can be. That sometimes a single thoughtless act, breech of trust, or marital misstep can damage a marriage in ways that are very difficult to undo and piece back together, just as it would be difficult to undo the breaking of this glass.
It serves as a reminder of the sanctity of marriage, and that the love of the bride and groom should last for as long as it would take to make the glass perfectly whole again. It also symbolizes the transforming experience that marriage creates, leaving the bride and groom forever changed.
In a moment, (Groom's name) will break the glass signifying the end of the ceremony and the time for celebration.
(Officiant places covered glass on the floor & and after the couple is declared to be wife and husband, and the groom kisses the bride, the groom steps on the glass with his right foot)
Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my pleasure to introduce to you, Mr. & Mrs. (name). You may kiss your bride.
Now, go in peace and forever Celebrate Love!